i'm sOo excited! today is my first day of internship programme.Around 8 am I already arrived at TNB head quarters.It is situated in the middle of Kota Bharu,main city in Kelantan.The TNB building i just next to Parkson,one of the supermarket in Kota Bharu.I'm taking electric and electronic course, so I need to go to TNB in Lundang, it was fine with me because it is nearer to my house.Luckily i get my partner, Husna Karim with me. It will be more fun if you go to work with your friend right? heh..I also find new friend, Pejo...I'm not sure his fullname but he also from Uniten..no wonder his face i soo familiar....:)
Everyday I will go to work with Husna,fortunately we get the same place for this internship programme as I don't have my own transport to go there by myelf. But then,"don't worry husna,my sweet mum had offer some money to top up your petrol car okey....heeeee~"
I wake up at 6 am today.It was find with me as I used to wake at this time..just like my roomate, Aisyah says about me,im a morning person...hehe..From my observation, it takes around 20 minutes to go to the headquarters from my house.We arrived quite early today, but it's ok,we can manage our time starting from tomorrow.I can left my house around 7.20 am tomorrow...:)
As we arrived,we need to register at the 2nd floor.But then they have their morning role call. So i need to wait till 8.30 am till i can register with Madam Samsiah. She asked us to call her mama...it was so nice of her...;)
Unfortunately she forgot to make a timetable for us.I'm not sure what should be in the time table,but i guess it should contain lists of activities we need to do or learn during our internship programme. We also have been given our own "punch card". We need to punch card at 8 am and 5 pm, which is during the office hour.We have been told that our lunch time is at 1 till 2 pm. We have our Mc'Ds and go to 11'th floor to have our zuhur prayer. As "mama" got an important function today,she can't entertain or ask us to do any works. So she gets us a place without anything to do. So we take this chance to discuss about what we need to do to pass LI successfully. "mama" promised tomorrow she will give us our timetable..Well, that's all for today's progress..here are some pictures I would like to share with you...check it out....~
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