*this is how en.Zahruddin explain about the schematic!*

Today we can't go to sites because the worker need to attend a meeting.Luckily en.Zahruddin spend some time to explain about schematic diagram.Now i am more familiar about how we get the electric supply.As we already know, there are 3 main things we need to understand; generation,transmission and distribution.
the function of the generation is to provide total power needed.they are connected at common point called bus.
while transmission is important to transfer electric energy from generating units at various location to distribution system which ultimately supplies the load.
next is the distribution part, which connects the distribution substations to consumer's service-entrance equipment.
for your imformation, loads is divided into industrials,commercial and residential.Large indutrial loads are served directly from subtransmission network, and small industrial loads are served from primary distribution network.
Alhamdulillah..that's all for today...;)
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