burn insulation at one of the house around Jalan Telipot.We need to repair the insulator; add or cover with another insulator..!

we go to Kg.Padang Sakar to bring down the cable because the villager want to cut down the tree.The size of the cable is 3x70mm 2 span.
the third place we go today is Lorong Taqwa,Kg Huda because of the breakdown. we find that the main reason breakdown which is no electricity happend because of the burn insulation.It can happend because of the high voltage!
*we also get an opportunity to asked the technicians about many things..for example, we learn the stay sizes;which are 7/10,/12 and 7/8.the function of the stay is to avoid the electric pole from falling down .the stay is divided into 3;stay insulator,rod, and "stay bold and deedal".
*there are many types of ipc (insulation piercing collector) which is 185/16,185/120,95/70 and 3/16/25.
*there are 3 types of dead end clamp; 120mm-185mm, 70mm-395mm,and 25mm-3/16..
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