*lOts oF thiNgs We lEarn tOday*


schematic 11 kv for Kota Bharu

shematic 33 kv for Kelantan

the symbols~

types of lines for 33kv

colour codes for the voltages

numbers of breakdown!

some plans to reduce the breakdown...~
every sunday morning,before we go to the sites, we have a role call with the bosses there.Today, we need to introduce ourselves in front.Luckily the workers there very sporting..hehee..~
next we go to the office to meet en.Zahruddin b. Mat Yaakub .It is our 1st time meeting him even we have been practical here for a week already.It is because he is a very busy man and always not in his office. He explain a little bit about what we need to do and learn in his department,which is "Senggaraan SAVR, Lampu Awam,dan Pusat Pengurusan Bekalan".In our time table, it states that we need to be in this department from 6th till 17th of April.But he said that we can learn many things here.So, he suggested us to come to this department if other department got many "free time".he said that we can't really joint or learn from other's department because of technical problem.Such as the activity is at night or they work too far from here,as our working hour is 8 am till 5 pm and at the Kota Bharu area only. He also explained to us about TNB's website which is http://livewire.hq.tnb.com.my/ .There are many informations we can get from the websites. He also explained to us about how TNB's received complaints from the customers. The public can use three methods: they can call us via 15454,message using those numbers or they can contact via online.
Next we follow the technicians to Ketereh. We want to supply the electric power to the villagers because of low voltages.So, we need to add the power.We need to add 22 electric poles.We learn how to put the electric pole into the ground. We use crane hooker to make the holes and placed the electric pole into the ground.The length for the underground is 1.5 m and around 5.4 m above the ground.
we also got a task from our advisor,which is en.Zahruddin. He asked us to learn and understand the schematic diagram. Around 3 pm,after having our zuhur prayer, we go to Pusat Pengurusan Bekalan to see the shematic diagram in Kota Bharu and Kelantan. We asked en.Zainal to expained about the diagram.
well thats all for today...:)
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